Tuesday, November 17, 2009

oracle memory usage

#!/usr/bin/sh## Copyright 2001 Oracle Corporation## program: omemuse (Oracle MEMory USagE)#o#
usage(){echo "Usage: $0 [ SB ]"echo "Usage: $0 [ P ]"echo "Usage: $0 [ h ]"echo " "echo "specify 'S' for Oracle shadow processes"echo "specify 'B' for Oracle background processes (includes shared memory SGA)"echo "specify 'h' for help"echo " "}
echo " "
## check usage#if [ $# = "0" ];then usage;exit 1fiParm1=$1if [ $Parm1 = "h" ];then echo "This script uses the Sun Solaris pmap command to determine memory usage" echo "for Oracle server [B]ackground processes and/or [S]hadow processes." echo "An individual [P]rocess can also be specified." echo " " echo "Although the Oracle server background processes memory usage should" echo "remain fairly constant, the memory used by any given shadow process" echo "can vary greatly. This script shows only a snapshot of the current" echo "memory usage for the processes specified." echo " " echo "The 'B' option shows the sum of memory usage for all Oracle server" echo "background processes, including shared memory like the SGA." echo " " echo "The 'S' option shows the sum of private memory usage by all" echo "shadow processes. It does not include any shared memory like the" echo "SGA since these are part of the Oracle server background processes." echo " " echo "The 'P' option shows memory usage for a specified process, broken" echo "into two categories, private and shared. If the same executable" echo "for this process was invoked again, only the private memory" echo "would be allocated, the rest is shared with the currently running" echo "process." echo " " usage;exit 1fiecho $Parm1grep '[SBP]' > /dev/nullParmFound=$?if [ $ParmFound != "0" ];then usage;exit 1fiecho $Parm1grep P > /dev/nullParmFound=$?if [ $ParmFound = "0" ];then if [ $Parm1 != "P" ];then usage;exit 1 fi if [ "X$2" = "X" ];then usage;exit 1 fi Parm2=$2 echo $Parm2grep '[^0-9]' > /dev/null ParmFound=$? if [ $ParmFound = "0" ];then usage;exit 1 fi PidOwner=`ps -ef grep -v grep grep $Parm2 grep -v $0 awk '{print $1}'` CurOwner=`/usr/xpg4/bin/id -un` if [ "X$PidOwner" != "X$CurOwner" ];then echo "Not owner of pid $Parm2, or pid $Parm2 does not exist" echo " " usage;exit 1 fielse if [ "X${ORACLE_SID}" = "X" ];then echo "You must set ORACLE_SID first" usage;exit1 fifi
## initialize variables#Pmap="/usr/proc/bin/pmap"SharUse="/tmp/omemuseS$$"PrivUse="/tmp/omemuseP$$"ShadUse="/tmp/omemuseD$$"PidPUse="/tmp/omemusePP$$"PidSUse="/tmp/omemusePS$$"TotalShad=0TotalShar=0TotalPriv=0PidPriv=0PidShar=0
## shadow processes#echo $Parm1grep S > /dev/nullParmFound=$?if [ $ParmFound = "0" ];then ShadPrc="`ps -efgrep -v grepgrep oracle$ORACLE_SIDawk '{print $2}'`" echo "" > $ShadUse for i in $ShadPrc;do $Pmap $i grep "read/write" grep -v shared \ awk '{print $2}' awk -FK '{print $1}' >> $ShadUse done for i in `cat $ShadUse`;do TotalShad=`expr $TotalShad + $i` done TotalShad=`expr $TotalShad "*" 1024` echo "Total Shadow (bytes) : $TotalShad" /bin/rm $ShadUsefi
## non-shared portion of background processes#echo $Parm1grep B > /dev/nullParmFound=$?if [ $ParmFound = "0" ];then OrclPrc="`ps -efgrep -v grepgrep ora_grep $ORACLE_SIDawk '{print $2}'`" BkgdPrc="`echo $OrclPrcawk '{print $1}'`" echo "" > $PrivUse for i in $OrclPrc;do $Pmap $i grep "read/write" grep -v shared \ awk '{print $2}' awk -FK '{print $1}' >> $PrivUse done for i in `cat $PrivUse`;do TotalPriv=`expr $TotalPriv + $i` done TotalPriv=`expr $TotalPriv "*" 1024` echo "Total Private (bytes) : $TotalPriv"
## shared portion of background processes# echo "" > $SharUse $Pmap $BkgdPrc grep "read/exec" \ awk '{print $2}' awk -FK '{print $1}' >> $SharUse $Pmap $BkgdPrc grep "shared" \ awk '{print $2}' awk -FK '{print $1}' >> $SharUse for i in `cat $SharUse`;do TotalShar=`expr $TotalShar + $i` done TotalShar=`expr $TotalShar "*" 1024` echo "Total Shared (bytes) : $TotalShar" /bin/rm $SharUse $PrivUsefi
## non-shared portion of pid#echo $Parm1grep P > /dev/nullParmFound=$?if [ $ParmFound = "0" ];then echo "" > $PidPUse $Pmap $Parm2 grep "read/write" grep -v shared \ awk '{print $2}' awk -FK '{print $1}' >> $PidPUse for i in `cat $PidPUse`;do PidPriv=`expr $PidPriv + $i` done PidPriv=`expr $PidPriv "*" 1024` echo "Total Private (bytes) : $PidPriv"
## shared portion of pid# echo "" > $PidSUse $Pmap $Parm2 grep "read/exec" awk '{print $2}' \ awk -FK '{print $1}' >> $PidSUse $Pmap $Parm2 grep "shared" awk '{print $2}' \ awk -FK '{print $1}' >> $PidSUse for i in `cat $PidSUse`;do PidShar=`expr $PidShar + $i` done PidShar=`expr $PidShar "*" 1024` echo "Total Shared (bytes) : $PidShar" /bin/rm $PidPUse $PidSUsefi
## Display grand total#Gtotal="`expr $TotalShad + $TotalPriv + $TotalShar + $PidPriv + $PidShar`"echo " -----"echo "Grand Total (bytes) : $Gtotal"echo " "

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