Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Oralce DB 10g on Oracle 11gr2 Grid

$ olsnodes -t
node1        Unpinned
node2        Unpinned

If the cluster is a newly created 11.2 Grid Infrastructure (CRS), and you want to create pre 11.2 RAC db, you need to pin the corresponding nodes. In our case their status are showing as Unpinned. If Grid Infrastructure was upgraded to 11.2, then you no need to pin. Read more Installing Pre 11.2 Database in 11GR2 Grid Infrastructure environment at My Oracle Support Document Id: 948456.1

 $ crsctl pin css -n node1 node2
/usr/lib/hpux64/ Unable to find library ''.

Make sure to login as root before making any cluster related changes.
$su –

# crsctl pin css -n node1 node2

CRS-4664: Node node1 successfully pinned.
CRS-4664: Node node2 successfully pinned.


$ olsnodes -t
node1        Pinned
node2        Pinned

Please look into my other blogs on Oracle 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure installation steps and read more on Installing Pre -11.2 Database in 11GR2 Grid Infrastructure environment at  My Oracle Support Document Id: 948456.1

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